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叉车岗前培训记录表怎么写 用英语介绍诸暨


1. 特种作业法律法规及叉车工位简介
2. 叉车的危险性
3. 叉车安全操作注意事项
4. 电瓶和充电器安全注意事项
5. 叉车驾驶常见违规现象和事故原因
6. 叉车安全操作规程
7. 叉车使用前,请进行日常检查
8. 当发生叉车受损或情况异常,请停止操作,并立即操作,并立即通知维护人员进行查看、修理,在叉车未彻底修复前,请勿操作。
9. 超载,若不按照提升重量表上的额定载负荷量载货,可能会导致翻车。
10. 叉取货物时,选用合适的尺寸和强度的托盘。
11. 运载时候,必须使用托盘。并确定托盘的货载是否摆放整齐,若货载摆放不整齐,很容易翻倒落下,导致他人受伤。
12. 在驾驶时,请扣紧安全带,在启动前调整坐姿。然后,轻轻摇晃座位以确定安全带锁紧,为了安全起见,在驾驶前调整座位及方向盘。
13. 当叉载大件货物至视线受阻时,请倒车行驶或请人引导。
14. 倒车行驶时,确认叉车附近没有人并在启动前鸣号示警。
15. 除驾驶员外,其他人员不允许搭乘叉车,严禁在叉车或托盘上搭乘人员


Zhuji City is one of the ancient capitals of Yue Kingdom and the native place of Xishi. It covers an area of 2,311 square kilometers with a population of 1.0559 million, and has 27 townships(sub-districts), 468 villages, 69 urban communities under its jurisdiction. Locating in the south wing of the Yangtze Delta, middle and north part of Zhejiang, with Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway, Hangzhou-Jinhua-Quzhou Expressway, and Jinhua-Hangzhou Highway throughout its entire area and the Zhuji-Yongjia (Wenzhou) Expressway and Zhuji-Shaoxing Expressway under construction, with only 200 km away from Shanghai, 90 km away from Hangzhou, and 60 km away from Xiaoshan International Airport, Zhuji enjoys an obvious regional advantage. With picturesque mountains and rivers, Zhuji is one of the China’s excellent tourist cities, in which there is a State-level Scenic Region----Huanjiang River-Wuxie Scenic Region. Zhuji is also the world freshwater pearl base. Zhuji’s Freshwater pearl farming began in the 60s last century and after about 40 years development an industrial operating pattern with a breeding base for the foundation, the professional market as a leader, processing enterprises as the backbone and social services as the complement has initially formed which has one-stop solution for production, processing an trading, integrating trade, industry and agriculture and combining importer with exporter. Zhuji has become the largest freshwater breeding, processing and trading base in China and has the largest professional pearl and pearl jewelry market. In 1996, Zhuji was named “Hometown of Pearl” by the State Council Development Research Center. Zhuji possesses a highly developed non-state economy and distinguished regional features. With 100,000 privately-owned industrial and commercial enterprises registered with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, we have 15 key regional industries, the machinery, hosiery and weaving industries alone contribute an annual output of over 20 billion yuan. In 2006, Zhuji’s total output value reached 37.676 billion yuan, it had a fiscal revenue of 3.343 billion yuan, per capita disposable income of 20,056 yuan for urban residents, and per capita net income of 9,050 yuan for rural residents and Its comprehensive strength ranked 24th in the top hundred counties nationwide. Zhuji has been named Hometown of Pearls, Hometown of Hosiery, Hometown of Chinese Torreya Nuts, Hometown of Organic Tea, Hometown of fine Shirts, Hometown of Folk Art, Construction Capital of Zhejiang Province, City of High-Quality Education in Zhejiang Province, City of Advanced Science and Technology in Zhejiang Province, Competitive City in Sports in Zhejiang Province, and recognized as Avanced County Nationwide in Infrastructure Education, Progressing Science and Technology, Good Family Planning Service, Performance of Rural Traditional Chinese Medicine, Grain Yield, Excellent County Nationwide in Comprehensive Environmental Improvement, Advanced City Nationwide in Public Health, Model City Nationwide in Community Construction, National Garden City, National Public Health City and successfully passed the inspection by the State Environmental Protection Bureau to be the national model city of environmental protection.
