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急求英语作文..作文题目Self—employment of college Graduates 工作邮件 落款问候语常用的,通用的。如“祝好”之类的。

急求英语作文..作文题目Self—employment of college Graduates

Nowadays, our government encourages college graduates to employ themselves by starting their own career. If their plan is creative and original the government will grant a financial aid to them. This act aims to stimulate graduates creativity and alleviate the pressure of employment. Firstly, the rate of unemployment and underemployment of college graduate is on the rise in recent year because of the competitive job market. Secondly, some graduate employees are not satisfied with the present job and their enthusiasm for work has been frustrated to some degree. Thirdly, some brilliant and ambitious graduates lack start-up capital even though they have a good idea. In conclusion, the act does not only bring many opportunities to college graduates, but also restore their confidence in themselves and the future. Moreover, many job opportunities are created for the society as well.

工作邮件 落款问候语常用的,通用的。如“祝好”之类的。

英文如Regards,Best Regards;中文如,顺颂商祺,谨致问候。
顺:顺便 ;颂:祝愿 ;商:经商 ;祺:吉祥 ;顺颂商祺:顺便祝你工作顺利的意思. 过去多用于信函的结尾.祺有吉祥之意。对商人(也指生意人、做买卖的人等)的祝愿一类的意思(但一般不是祝贺)。类似的,还有如“师zhidao祺”“文祺”,“近祺”,等。
