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英语作文奥运会规模应该扩大还是减小,并提出自己的观点 关于奥运会的英语作文


After entering the televised era sports, television fees and sponsorship to become organizers of the largest source of income, the game ticket sales status decreased. Therefore, if the game in the smaller cities and state-run, as long as you can meet the most basic conditions of the competition, the audience seating can be moderately compressed. Strong enough money small city can rely software strengths to compensate for the lack of hardware. If the audience can not buy tickets for venues, organizers can do publicity, encouraging viewers to watch such as the marathon, road cycling, triathlon or open water swimming competitions such as free tickets. During the Commonwealth Games, the host will line these games are scheduled to be held in the city center alone Marathon attracted 30 million people watching, and the game has been raining that day. Even the rich and powerful as the host country, it is not necessary to each venue are built very large, should be based on national traditions and development needs to plan for sports facilities. Such as India hosting the Asian Games, the Cricket Ground cover can have luxury, while Chinese cities it is entirely possible to take a temporary building to solve. London Olympics after finishing two years, we did not find a venue is idle. Because basketball and shooting is not popular item in the UK, the venues are temporary structures, the game is over immediately removed, without leaving a trace. Swimming pool of a temporary seat split, downsizing a half, it became the community swimming center. All in all, if economically developed cities held, should be in accordance with high standards, ensuring that do have beautiful and decent, if weaker cities hosting, it might be appropriate to reduce the standard, which will certainly add a lot of the economy is relatively backward country held interest, both widely disseminated the Olympic spirit, but also provides a stage to showcase their original little chance for the potential host, why not?


参考词汇: 福娃 Friendlies 吉祥物 mascot 奥运圣火 the Olympic flame
藏羚羊 the Tibetan antelope 燕子 swallow
祝福 blessings 友谊friendship 和平 peace
The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, China in 2008. Beijing chooses five friendlies as Olympic mascots. They are Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying and Nini. They mean “Welcome to Beijing”. The Blue Beibei is a fish, the black Jingjing is a panda, the red Huanhuan is the Olympic flame, the yellow Yingying is the Tibetan antelope and the green Nini is a swallow.They carry a message of friendship and peace—the blessings from the Chinese to the people from all over the word.
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The Olympic Games will be held this year.I am so excited and I think the games will be interesting and also fascinating. But now, the important is,how should we do with the Olmpics if I am a volunteer? To solve the problem will be extremely difficult,because nowadays lots of people devote themselves to society and you can not hold an opportunity easily.So just try my best
