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用英语说猜灯谜的来历 猜一猜用英语怎么说的英文


英文:"Guessing lantern riddles", also known as "playing lantern riddles", is an added activity after the Lantern Festival, which appeared in the song dynasty. During the southern song dynasty, the capital of Lin an during the Lantern Festival riddle system, a large number of people guess. At the beginning of the riddles are good to write on a note, posted on the colorful lights for people to guess. Because the riddle can enlighten wisdom and interest, so spread in the process of popular social strata.


猜一猜的英文:Take a guess
一、guess 读法 英 [ges]  美 [ɡɛs] 
vt. 猜测;认为;推测;猜中
vi. 猜;推测;猜中
n. 猜测;推测
Even guess 连猜
guess again 再猜 ; 再猜一下 ; 再次猜 ; 再猜一次
guess me 猜我 ; 我猜 ; 正在翻译
groundless guess 没有依据的猜测
Guess it 你猜猜呢 ; 猜猜它
first guess 初估值 ; 首次推定值

guess 的词语辨析
presume, suppose, guess, postulate, assume这组词都有“假设,猜想,推测”的意思,其区别是:
1、presume 侧重以过去经验或根据现实的某些感觉把某事认定为是事实。
2、suppose 常用词,意义较广泛,指缺乏确切事实,根据一些现象进行的推测,也可指为论证而提出合乎逻辑推理的某种假定,有时仅表示自己的意见。
3、guess 常用词,指毫无根据仅凭个人主观臆断或碰运气的猜测。
4、postulate 指为证实一个理论的正确性而进行的假设。
5、assume 指有很少或完全无根据的武断推测或不合逻辑的推理。

用英语描述一样物品 相当于让人猜 猜谜。

an important item installed inside everyones home, turning it on at night,that will help you to see thing clearly, turning it off at night, it will become totally darkness inside your home. people cant live without it at all . it was invented by the greatest inventor in the world hundred years ago, after i came out, it has brought numerous helps for all human being . it is.........
一个很重要的东西,每个人家里都有,打开它的时候,它可以帮助人能看清楚东西。关上它的时候,家里就会完全变成漆黑。现在的人们已经不能离开它的帮助了。 它是被世上最伟大的发明家在一百多年前发明的,自从它被发明以后,它为全世界的人们带来了福祉。它是。。。。
答案:电灯。the light.


What key can run itself?
——Monkey. (猴)
2.What is the most difficult key to turn?
——Donkey. (驴)
3.My name start with a C and end with an L. I live in the desert, a hard place to live. I can carry people and their goods .
What am I?
——Camel. (骆驼)
4.What animal wears big black glasses on its face?
什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜? (Panda 熊猫)
5.Im almost white, but the fur of my ears, eye pits are black. I live in the wild forests,I like eating bamboos! Who am I ?
我几乎是白的,但耳朵、眼窝是黑的。我生活在森林里,喜欢吃竹子。我是谁? (Panda 熊猫)
6.a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isnt a cat?
(Tiger 老虎)
7.What animal wears big black glasses on its face?
什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜? (Panda 熊猫)
8.Im almost white, but the fur of my ears, eye pits are black. I live in the wild forests,I like eating bamboos! Who am I ?
我几乎是白的,但耳朵、眼窝是黑的。我生活在森林里,喜欢吃竹子。我是谁? (Panda 熊猫




I believe that everyone is all too familiar on paper, because the need to use every day. However, the one before us a clean slate, we all know, do and how is it made of? Today, when I was a little guide for everyone who introduced.  According to legend, in BC 105 yuan, Cai Lun successfully invented papermaking, paper predecessors, he summed up the experience, through trial and error, with the bark, hemp, rags, old fishing nets and other materials through the down of ramming, copy, arch, etc. 72 craft, and finally made a practical fiber paper was called "Caihou paper." This kind of paper on the reform and promotion of papermaking have much to contribute.  Later, the continuous development of papermaking, another left-Bo paper, rattan paper, through continuous improvement, and finally became the white we are now common.  After the above introduction I papermaking, we all have a certain understanding on paper, right? During this presentation, I realized the wisdom of the ancients, papermaking is one of the crystallization of their labor; the same time, I would like to remind you, paper hard-won, and we have to cherish to use it.






价格是否含税应在价格之后注上如下内容: 含税价格: (VAT inclusive) (含增值税),“VAT”为“Value Added Tax”的缩写。 (GST inclusive) (含商品及服务税),“GST”为“Goods and Services Tax”的缩写。 不含税价格: (Tax excluded) (不含税) 有时可以把两种价格并列,以便客户作出选择。如: Price: ¥100 per unit (Tax excluded), or ¥115 per unit (GST inclusive) [价格: 每件100元(不含税),或每件115元(含商品及服务税)。] price before/after taxation 税前/后价 price without tax But there is no tax savings on the year s earnings 但是这个年收入是不含税的储蓄。 But there is no tax savings on the year s earnings 但是这个年收入的存款是不含税的。 2 persons , extra bed at 18 euros per night 加床每间夜18欧元。不含税。 We would like to know the price exclusive of tax of your pda 我们想要知道你们的pda不含税的价格。 All prices excl . sales tax 不含税价格:所有价格不含税 All esd prices are fob rmb price without tax , and the payment terms is l / c 委托人所有价格均为人民币不含税fob价格,定单结算方式为l / c 。 The photo is just for reference . when your order is more than 10 pieces , you can enjoy a wholesale price . the wholesale price is settled , not including tax and shipping fee 所有商品都是以实物拍摄,统一批发价,不含税和运费。款到发货。十件起批,可混批。 According to determined ore dressing technology , we have studied the building of the dressing - works for technology and economy and conclude that if the iron ore dressing - works will be set up , which could produce 138 , 000 tons of iron ore fine at the cost of 204 . 92rmb yuan / mt ( without taxes ) for jisco . its raw material is the lean iron ore and high phosphor content iron ore in stock 根据确定的选矿流程进行了选矿厂方案的技术经济、建厂条件、公辅设施论证,得出:如果投资建厂,可利用黑鹰山堆存贫矿和高磷富矿,每年为酒钢供应成本为204 . 92元吨(不含税)的13 . 8万吨铁精粉,经济效益和社会效益较为显著,建议酒钢公司在资金容许的条件下可以投资黑鹰山选矿厂建设。 Taxation rebate is a mechanism that entitles the enterprises or companies , based on the laws and regulations of a country , to get back some indirect tax from the government after exporting their products , value added tax and excise tax for example , so that they could sell their products in the international market at a more competitive price . generally , the mechanism is implemented in the hope that the export sales of the whole country would be improved , and the macro economic condition could be ameliorated as a result 出口退税是指一个国家根据本国税收法律的规定,对已经报关离境的出口商品,将其在出口前生产和流通各环节已经缴纳的国内增值税或消费税等流转间接税的税款退还给出口企业,使出口商品以不含税的价格进入国际市场,从而促进该国的对外出口贸易,同时调节与控制经济运行的做法。