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为考英语四级的同学写鼓励加油横幅怎么写 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家好,用英语怎么说


I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信我一定能成功。
Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。


Dear teacher, dear students, Hello everyone
everyone 英 [ˈevriwʌn]
美 [ˈɛvriˌwʌn]
pron. 每人,人人;
[例句]Everyone in the street was shocked when they heard the news.


1、英文释义 Study hard;work hard;swot at;work hard at sth
努力学习中 thanosx
努力学习专业知识 Strive to acquire expertise ; Efforts to learn professional knowledge ; Efforts to learn the knowledge
我们可以努力学习 We can work hard ; We can work to learning ; We can strive to learn
努力学习它 To study it ; Effort to learn it ; strive to learn it
放弃努力学习 Give up trying to learn ; To give up learning ; Abandon the effort to learn
他正在努力学习 He is trying to learn ; He are trying to learn
努力学习/工作 work hard
努力学习各个科目 To study various subjects ; strive to learn various subjects
他很努力学习 He is working hard ; He is very hard learning
You should study hard.
We study hard for our country.
He thinks he should study hard.
I hope you can understand that if you do not study hard, you will be as useless as the oldgardener who can only do this humble job!
Everything is not easy at the beginning, but if you study hard, it will get better.


一封家书-A Letter to Home

Twel 27, 2011

My Dear Mother and Father,

School will be over soon. In the previous letter, I said that I would retrain as soon as the summer vocation began.

But now, Im very sorry to say that something unexpected has changed my plan. In order to let students know society better, our school has arranged social practice for us. It is a very good chance and I really appreciate it. We have been notified that we are going to a village in Shandong province. So this makes it impossible for me to return home to spend the holidays with you. Oh, dear mother and father, please be at ease. I can look after myself and take advantage of this chance to enrich my knowledge and try my best to help the villagers.

I am missing you very much. I hope you will have a good time without me. And I wish you good health and may success wait upon your efforts in your work!

Your loving daughter,

Lin Lin



If anyone asks me what do I want to do the most? I would say grow up quickly. I want to grow up quickly, and then I can help my parents share their heavy burden. Our family is poor. My parents have to work very hard to support our family. Every time I say to them that I can help. They always tell me that I am still very young, and I don’t need to worry about t


外国通用 Ladies and gentlemen, 但在中国的一些重大场合中非要说尊敬的领导的话,就用 distinguished guests and leaders 中文是:尊敬的各位领导、来宾... 不用honour什么的,在连续传译课上就是这么教的。

比赛开始了, 同学们高喊着 :"加油!加油!" 的口号为运动员加油.这句话标点是否正确?
