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求一篇寻找寄宿家庭的英语作文 如何处理父母与孩子之间的关系英语作文


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Now, most of my classmates are not willing to communicate with their parents or share their inner thoughts with their parents. Therefore, it is difficult to seek their support and suggestions. The reason is that they feel that their status is not equal.

Parents attach too much importance to their childrens learning. The parent-child relationship should be a relationship full of love, care and understanding. Parents and children are equal, respect each other and have free communication Flow, to establish this relationship, parents should become childrens friends, and children should trust their teachers more, and tell their inner feelings frankly.

Only in this way can we enjoy a warm parent-child relationship.

英语作文 假设你是李华,下个月要去英国留学,想 通过你的英国朋友Peter寻 找寄宿家庭。 请你用英语...

Dear Peter,
How are you recently?
I am going to the UK for study next month, and I am writing to ask for your help about my accommodation.
Can you help me book a home stay please?
I am looking forward your reply, and appreciate your help so much.
Hope everything goes well.
Best wishes