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三甲医院 用英语怎么说 中国的副主任,用英语怎么说

三甲医院 用英语怎么说

一些医院的常用语 综合医院General Hospital中医医院TCM Hospital (Traditional Chinese Medicine )中西医结合医院TCM-WM Hospital民族医院Monority Hospital专科医院Specialized Hospital三甲医院 两种说法比较常见 Third-level grade-A hospitalThird Level 1st Class hospital三乙 2nd Class三丙 3rd Class二级 Second Level一级 First Level其余类推


Deputy Director.
deputy director
vice director
deputy head




Premier of the Peoples Republic of China, Level 1
Vice Premier of the Peoples Republic of China and members of the State Council, Levels 2-3
Leading roles of ministries or equivalents (正部级), or of provinces or equivalents (省级), Levels 3-4
Assisting roles of ministries or equivalents (副部级), or of provinces or equivalents (副省级), Levels 4-5
Leading roles of departments or equivalents (正司级 / 正厅级), or of prefectures or equivalents (地级), or counsels (巡视员) Levels 5-7
Assisting roles of departments or equivalents (副司级 / 副厅级), of prefectures or equivalents (副地级), or assistant counsels (助理巡视员) Levels 6-8
Leading roles of divisions or equivalents (正处级), of counties or equivalents (县级), or consultants (调研员), Levels 7-10
Assisting roles of divisions or equivalents (副处级), of counties or equivalents (副县级), or assistant consultants (助理调研员), Levels 8-11
Leading roles of sections or equivalents (正科级), of townships or equivalents (乡级), Levels 9-12
Assisting roles of sections or equivalents (副科级), of townships or equivalents (副乡级), Levels 9-13
Staff members (科员), Levels 9-14
Clerks (办事员), Levels 10-15


associate professor of nursing
associate chief nurse
vice professor of nursing
