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关于中国传统节日的英语对话 小学英语教案反思英文版


A. Nice weather ,isnt it? 今天天气真好. It sure was hot last week. 上星期好热呀! B. Im glad it is getting cooler as we are into autumn now. 真高兴现在是秋天, 凉快一点儿了. Today is Mid-Autumn Festival. 今天是中秋节? A. Whats that? 什么是中秋节? B. It is a traditional Chinese holiday. It falls on the 15th day of the eighth moon according to the lunar calendar. 是一个传统中国节日, 农历的八月十五日. A. What do you do on Moon Festival ? 中秋节做什么呢? B. Its a time for family reunion. 58英语,简单学习 是全家团圆的日子. A. Any traditional food ?(Any special food?) 有没有什么传统的(或特别的) 食物? B. Yes, we eat moon cake for dessert. 有, 我们吃月饼当甜点.


  1、英语学习是语言的学习,语言学习是培养理解、表达技能的问题, 不是单纯的知识问题。不多听 、 多说、多读、多写、多译 , 不五官并用、并以脑为主导是不能多快好省地掌握英语这一技能的,所以在本节课的设计中我能够结合教材和学生的特点,依据新课程标准的精神,从激发学生的学习兴趣、培养良好的学习习惯、丰富生活经验和提高认知水平出发,科学安排教学内容,合理设计教学任务,开展形式多样的教学活动,让学生亲身体验,大胆实践,积极参与,共同合作与交流,帮助学生在任务性的教学途径下发展综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。在课堂中我利用录音机,图片等让学生听,说,指,让学生学生边听边指多做动作,力求学生做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”。


Christmas is the most popular festival in the West.During the Christmas season,friends get together and go from house to house singing Christmas songs.They do this for fun and to bring the spirit of Christmas to the people in each house.People also put a Christmas tree in the middle of their house.Usually,they decorate the tree,such as putting an angel or a star at the top of the tree and putting up some beautiful lights on the branches.
Westerners call the night before Christmas“Christmas Eve”.Then children put stockings at the end of their beds before they go to sleep.They are told that Santa Claus will come during the night.If you ask them why they doso,they will tell you “I’m a good child.Santa Claus will climb down the chimney and fill the stockings with Christmas presents.”But who is Santa Claus? Can a man really climb down the chimney of every house in the world in a single night? Of course not.
On Christmas Day children wake up very early,and cant wait to open the presents in their stockings and under the tree.They are calling,“Merry Christmas!!!!!!”,and wake up the other family members.After all the presents are opened,they will have a delicious breakfast.When they go out and meet their friengs,they greet each other with a hug and say,,“Merry Christmas!!!!!!”.
This is Christmas--the happiest and most exciting time in a year.


定语从句是中学阶段的语法重点,也是历年高考的热点。i.主语和谓语一致 1、关系代词在定语从句中the boy who is standing at the door is my son. 2、在one of the +复数名词+定语从句”结构中,复数名词是先行词,关系代词在定语从句中作主语,其谓语动词用复数形式。例如: this is one of the best books that have ever been written on the subject. 3、在“the only one of the +复数名词+定语从句”结构中,one 是先行词,关系代词在定语从句中作主语,其谓语动词用单数。例如: this is the only one of the best books that has ever been written on the subject. ii.关系代词的省略 在限制性定语从句中,关系代词在定语从句中作主语时不能省略;作宾语时在口语中可以省略。在非限制性定语从句中,关系代词不能省略。例如: a plane is a machine that can fly. the finger (that )i put into my mouth was not the one (that)i had dipped into the cup. abraham lincoln, who led the united states through these years, was shot on april 14,1865. his mother, whom he loved dearly, died in 1818. iii. 正确使用that 和which 1、that 指物,有时也可以指人,which 指物,不能指人。which 可以引导非限制性定语从句,也可以放在介词后面,that 则不能。 例如: who is the man that is reading the newspaper?(正) who is the man which is reading the newspaper?(误) the room in which she lives is a large one.(正) the room in that she lives is a large one.(误) 2、先行词前面有形容词最高级,序数词next, last, very, any, little, no 等修饰时,用that 不用which引导定语从句。例如: this is the best film that i have seen.(正) this is the best film which i have seen.(误) 3、先行词是all, much, little, none等时,用that而不用which引导定语从句。例如: that’s all that i want to say.(正) that’s all which want to say.(误) 4、先行词是不定代词something, anything, anything, everything时,一般用that而不用which引导定语从句。例如: is there anything that you want in this shop?(正) is there anything which you want in this shop?(误) 注:当something表示具体的事物,重要的东西,重要的人物等确定意义时,它是名词,关系代词用that 或which均可。例如: there was the mysterious something which/that they had worked so hard to find: radium. 5、先行词是人和物时,要用that 而不用which/who引导定语从句。例如: he talked about some writers and books that were unknown to us all. (正) he talked about some writers and books which


1、Have a wonderful brithday!
2、Happy birthday with all my love!
3、I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year。
4、With the compliments of the season。
5、May the seasons joy fill you all the year round。
6、A happy New Year to you。
7、we wish you a merry christmas. 
8、wishing you a white christmas.
9、Love you all this Thanksgiving Day.   
10、I wouldnt want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else. 
感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日 。12月25日的圣诞节是庆祝基督教创始人耶稣基督生日的日子,是西方国家最大、人们最喜爱的节日。


January 1 New Year Day 元旦
1st day of 1st lunar month (正月初一) Chinese New Year (Spring Festival)(春节)
15th day of 1st lunar month (正月十五) Lantern Festival (元宵节)
March 8 International Womens Day 国际妇女节
March 12 Arbor Day 植树节
April 5 Qingming Festival 清明节
May 1 Labour Day 劳动节
5th day of 5th lunar month(五月初五) Duanwu Festival (Dragon Boat Festival) 端午节
7th day of 7th lunar month (七月初七) Qixi Festival (The Night of Sevens, Magpie Festival)七夕节
15th day of 7th lunar month (七月十五) Ghost Festival 中元节
August 1 Army Day 建军节
15th day of 8th lunar month (八月十五) Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival) 中秋节
9th day of 9th lunar month (九月初九) Double Ninth Festival (Chongyang Festival) 重阳节
October 1 National Day 国庆节
December 8 Laba Festival 腊八节
December 21 or 22 Dongzhi Festival (Winter Solstice Festival) 冬至


1、所谓教学反思,是指教师对教育教学实践的再认识、再思考,并以此来总结经验教训,进一步提高教育教学水平。教学反思一直以来是教师提高个人业务水平的一种有效手段,教育上有成就的大家一直非常重视之。现在很多教师会从自己的教育实践中来反观自己的得失,通过教育案例、教育故事、或教育心得等来提高教学反思的质量。 2、按教学的进程,教师的教学反思可分为教学前、教学中、教学后三个阶段。 教学前的反思:是指凭借以往的教学经验,对新的教学活动进行批判性的分析,并作为调整性的预测,这种反思具有前瞻性。 教学中的反思:是指对发生在教学过程中的问题及时发现、自动反思、迅速调控。这种反思表现为教学中的一种机智,具有敏感性。 教学后的反思:是在某一教学活动告一段落(如上完一节课,或上完一个单元的课等等)后,在一定的理念指导下,去发现和研究过程中的问题,或者对有效的经验进行理性的总结和提升。这种反思具有批判性。 教师的教学反思在内容上包括教学观念、教学行为、教学效果三个方面。 3、逆向思维、求异思维、批判思维 补充问题:在课堂教学中

担担面的介绍 。。。必须用英语,简短点

Dandan noodles or Dandanmian (traditional Chinese: 担担面, simplified Chinese: 担担面) is a classic dish originating from Chinese Sichuan cuisine. It consists of a spicy sauce containing preserved vegetables (often including zha cai, 榨菜, lower enlarged mustard stems, or ya cai, 芽菜, upper mustard stems), chili oil, Sichuan pepper, minced pork, and scallions served over noodles.
Sesame paste is sometimes added, and sometimes replaces the spicy sauce, usually in the Taiwanese and American Chinese-style of this dish.[1] In this case, Dandanmian is considered as a variation of Ma Jiang Mian (麻酱面), sesame sauce noodles. In American Chinese cuisine, Dandanmian is often sweeter, less spicy, and less soupy, and peanut butter is sometimes added.
