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国内外情景教学法研究现状 英语作文two different teaching styles


目前,国内学界对英语口语情景教学的研究比较多。从20世纪90年代开始,世界外语教学步入后教育时代,情景教学法作为其中一种重要的成果受到广泛关注。在我国,这种教学方法虽然目前还没有独立开来作为一种系统的教学法,但在情景中掌握语言知识,从而理解和表达,培养交际能力,这已是外语教学中使用相当广泛的一种教学模式,而情景在交际语言学中显得更具优势,体现了现今所提出的新课程理念。在国外研究中, Richard, J.C. 和Rodgers, T.S.等学者对情景教学法的理论和实践有初步的探索,其后,在众多学者的研究中,以Brumfit在其著作 The Functional-Notional Approach :From Theory to Practice中对情景教学法有更深一步的分析最具代表。在国内,学者常林在《中国大学外语教学中的命题教学与素质教育》中明确引进这一重要的教学法并提倡运用,教育工作者刘勇,孙书霞等对其进行运用的探索和实践,并取得一定成效。

英语作文two different teaching styles

There are two major teaching methods in schools: the lecture system and the discussion system.
The two teaching methods have their own strengths and weaknesses respectively.
Many students like the lecture system because it helps them to learn quickly and much more. Attending a well-prepared lecture is a most rewarding experience: it can open a new horizon for you and save you much time as well – the time you might otherwise spend reading one book after another. Yet the fault of the lecture system is that it cultivates a bad habit of passive learning. Students bring their notebooks and even tape recorders to class to write everything down without thinking for themselves, let alone raise any question to teachers.
On the contrary, the discussion system encourages students to form their own ideas and opinion. To engage in frequent and even heated debates, you have to do a lot of homework beforehand, find answers yourselves and thus you develop the analytical skills which benefit both your study habit and your future life. However, it also has its weakness: students do not learn systematically.

传统教学的优缺点 英语作文

computers are changing our life day by day. we can do many things on computers. for example, we can write articles, do office work and play games. but the most important usage of computers is to get on the internet. we can do more things on the intemet. we may do shopping, search information and communicate with people all around the world. in short,computers and internet are making our life more and more convenient.


1、英文释义 Study hard;work hard;swot at;work hard at sth
努力学习中 thanosx
努力学习专业知识 Strive to acquire expertise ; Efforts to learn professional knowledge ; Efforts to learn the knowledge
我们可以努力学习 We can work hard ; We can work to learning ; We can strive to learn
努力学习它 To study it ; Effort to learn it ; strive to learn it
放弃努力学习 Give up trying to learn ; To give up learning ; Abandon the effort to learn
他正在努力学习 He is trying to learn ; He are trying to learn
努力学习/工作 work hard
努力学习各个科目 To study various subjects ; strive to learn various subjects
他很努力学习 He is working hard ; He is very hard learning
You should study hard.
We study hard for our country.
He thinks he should study hard.
I hope you can understand that if you do not study hard, you will be as useless as the oldgardener who can only do this humble job!
Everything is not easy at the beginning, but if you study hard, it will get better.

英语作文music fuels my mood

Claiming that music is expressive of mood and that it can elicit emotions in the listener does not seem highly disputable at first glance. However, this claim gives rise to a number of questions.
How can a piece of music (when we consider purely instrumental music without any vocals, text or title) appear emotional, as a piece of music is no psychological agent?
Why would we respond emotionally to music knowing that there is nobody undergoing the emotion expressed?
What are psychological mechanisms that lead to the emotional reaction in the listener?
What is the nature of these emotions?
The first question deals with how emotions are transported in the music, questions 2-4 with emotions in the listener. (Not mentioned here are emotions in the composer or the performer.) However, perceiving a piece of music as to be emotional and being moved by this emotion mostly go in hand.
We don’t find it hard to explain why and how we respond emotionally to something expressing an emotion, e.g. a person expressing joy or sadness (or indirectly to an event like an earthquake that affects people as to express an emotion, which ends up being the same). A stone rarely moves us to tears, so why would music do that? Thus, the core of this problem is the question how music can be expressive at all. This problem is examined by the field of aesthetics.

以“My favorite song”为题写一篇英语作文

我最喜欢的一首歌(My favorite song) This is my favorite English pop music, it has come from one called "big expecting air" film. This film is famous stars from the NBA Maikejiaodan starring. I was in primary school when looking at this film, this film, realized the song. By now this song has become classic.This first Columbia expression of the dream for most, the desire to succeed. It full of enthusiasm and motivation for the music listener infection, people with power, giving hope that the right to life! ! It let us know that even in front of how bumpy the road we have to believe that their own forces forge ahead! Whenever I happy or sad when I will listen to the song, it can copy the joy and soothe grief! ! I hope you will share this song. Let us imagine fly! [参考译文] 我最喜欢的一首歌 这是我最喜欢的英文流行歌曲,它来至一部叫做《空中大灌篮》的电影。这部电影是由NBA著名球星迈克乔丹主演的。我是小学的时候看的这部电影,通过这部电影就认识了这首歌。到如今这首歌已经成为经典。这首哥表达了对梦想的最求,对成功的渴望。它富有激情和动力的旋律让听者感染,使人拥有力量,给人对生活以希望!它让我们知道即使前方的路多么的坎坷我们也要相信自己的力量勇往直前!每当我高兴或忧伤的时候我都会听这首歌,它能复制喜悦和抚平悲伤!我希望能和大家一同分享这首歌。让我们在想像中飞翔吧

我的学校有三栋教学楼 ,一个大花园,一个大操场。 英文怎么写

我的学校有三栋教学楼 ,一个大花园,一个大操场
译为:our school has three classroom buldings.
one is the specious garden,other is a big playground.
