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英语作文the differences between college and high school 请问临床医学考研英语是一还是二?

英语作文the differences between college and high school

To me, high school life is unforgettable, but the college life is wonderful. When I fled from the high school and stepped into college compus, my first feeling is, "I am free". However, comparing to the high school, college life is really quite different, and it doesnt like what I imagined. College students are still facing many challenges and problems. The major differences between the two education stages are as follows,
a. In high school, students has to study hard under the pressure from the school and family, because the reality is so strict that for the future college entrance exams they either to be washed out or luckly to be enrolled. College students are alwaws no need to worry about this and they can feel free for their classes.
b. College life is more colorful which in high school often cannt be seen. College students have more options for their life, except study, they can have a party at weekend, plan a travel during hollidays, go for sports as they like and develop their partime interstings, etc.
c. Certainly college students are facing the big pressure as well. College life is the first step for young people to enter the sociaty and thay have to find where the door is. They have much more and specail classes to sudy to make sure they will find a good job to serve the sociaty. They have to prepare themself fully all the time and accept any challeges may arise before them.
In general, I like my high school life and at the same time I enjoy my college life, although they are different.




英语作文 以The most useful invention ——computer 为题,写不少于60字的英语作文

The most useful invention ——computer
We knew there had been many inventions last century, for example, electric light bulb, telephone, phonograph, mimeograph machine, automobile, airplane, atomic weapon, computer and so on. What is the most useful invention?
Personally, the most useful invention should be computer. In the old days, many scientists took much time to calculate and deal with research data, so the effective time in doing research was relatively shortened. For millions of times of calculating per second by computer, the researchers may have enough time to study more important issues. The processing of experiment results became very simple and easy. Aren’t those all evidences that the computer is one of the greatest inventions in the last century, are those?
So I think the most useful invention is computer.


Thank you for your attention; it is my greatest honor and luck to be able to stand here before you, my respected teachers.
What I have done last year was my dream for many years. I was born and raised in a remote mountain region near Dabieshan. I have a twin brother, but my families only afford to provide a chance of education to only one child, me the lucky one because my brother gave up his. Last year has been full of tears and strikes for me. With strong will for a master’s degree and a chance to learn more, I gave up the job offer of Microsoft last month. My bad health condition also challenged me during my preparation for the test. However, I successfully persisted to the end with a satisfying result. No matter the final result might be, I think I can say to my dear poor brother that I haven’t wasted the chance he sacrificed for me.
People like to talk about their hobbies and strong points in self-introductions, but to be honest, as I am from a poor family and I spent most of the time on books, I have to say books are the only fun for me.
In the field of computer science, there are many questions that I would like to research further, such as…….
1. A poor family家里穷
2. have brothers/sisters; they give up schooling for me.
3. I’m the only hope of the family.
4. I’ve found a good job(具体化), but I’ve given it up for further education.
5. I have encountered a lot of setbacks and frustrations last year, but I persisted.


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英语作文music fuels my mood

Claiming that music is expressive of mood and that it can elicit emotions in the listener does not seem highly disputable at first glance. However, this claim gives rise to a number of questions.
How can a piece of music (when we consider purely instrumental music without any vocals, text or title) appear emotional, as a piece of music is no psychological agent?
Why would we respond emotionally to music knowing that there is nobody undergoing the emotion expressed?
What are psychological mechanisms that lead to the emotional reaction in the listener?
What is the nature of these emotions?
The first question deals with how emotions are transported in the music, questions 2-4 with emotions in the listener. (Not mentioned here are emotions in the composer or the performer.) However, perceiving a piece of music as to be emotional and being moved by this emotion mostly go in hand.
We don’t find it hard to explain why and how we respond emotionally to something expressing an emotion, e.g. a person expressing joy or sadness (or indirectly to an event like an earthquake that affects people as to express an emotion, which ends up being the same). A stone rarely moves us to tears, so why would music do that? Thus, the core of this problem is the question how music can be expressive at all. This problem is examined by the field of aesthetics.


