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英语作文 做榜样的好处和坏处 英语作文因特网的好处和坏处

英语作文 做榜样的好处和坏处

When comes to role model,people always think about some pop stars or heros,but my role model is my grandpa.Grandpa is a simple maths teacher.when i was a child, i always thought to be weak because im thin and weak in sports and maths. Not only my teachers and classmates,but also my mother always scold that how stupid i was.But grandpa didnt think so.Instead of scolded, he always encouraged me that "dont give up, just try again".Becides, he also helped me with maths.Because of his patient and good teaching,i found maths was so interesting and became good at it day by day.I never forgot the day i had got the first full mark.when i showed it to grandpa, he smiled and shared the happiness with me.During all these years,grandpa has been like a big tree to me.Under the tree,i have felt comfortable,securie and been well protected by him.Because of his encouragement, i overcome lots of difficulties and find back my confidence.Whats more, i became to know that very often a disappointment some times can becomes a turning point for a wonderful experience to along.Now i want to express to grandpa that how greatful i am,and his words "dont give up, just try again" are also deeply in my heart.


May,Watches the television,No reason why not.However,If you want to have a pair of beautiful health eye,Anything must have a limit.If your eye for a long time in television and under computer accompanying,I believed,That cannot have the good result. 电脑在我们的生活中起着重要的作用,电脑可以帮我们做很多事情:数据计算,学习娱乐,办公自动化,控制生产,自动取款,远程通信…… 电脑的讯速发展促进了它的普及。现在除了随处可见的个人电脑外,各种便携式的手提电脑也应运而生。 电脑在我们的生活中起着很大的作用。在我们有不懂的问题时,我们可以上网查阅资料,一些比较大的数据可以用电脑计算……在电脑中我们可以学到很多知识。 电脑也有许多坏出,如果对小学生呢,我想说玩电脑的问题。现在家庭的经济水平提高了,小学生们的视力却下降了,这就是玩电脑的坏处。好处也很多,例如聊聊天、说说题等一些有益的游戏能使小学生的课余生活更加有趣。但不能沉迷于电脑游戏。有一个真实的事就是说,一个小孩,为了电脑游戏中虚拟任务的争斗,自己跳楼了。所以,玩电脑不能陷进去,陷进去后对哪一方面都没有好处。 高科技产品日益增多,电脑这些高科技产品,给人们带来了许多方便,可也给人们带来了不幸.今天我就想对同学们说说其中的一点,那就是对于你的视力.许多小孩在刚生下的时候,眼睛都好好的,可也许是因为看电视,玩电脑,个个都带上了眼镜.就我们班,差不多有70%的同学是近视,我的眼睛原来也很好,可步入高年级,也开始下降.这警示了我们,玩电脑,可以,看电视,未尝不可.然而,如果你想有一双美丽健康的眼睛,什么都要有个限制.如果你的眼睛长期在电视和电脑的陪伴下,我相信,那不会有好结果. 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问请在线交谈 望采纳 谢谢


你有何特长? What are your strengths? 答案:所谓特长一般指的是我有的而别人没有的优点,或者是大家都有的但是我必被人强的优点。我这个人呢特长谈不上,但还是有一些优点。 Answer: the so-called specialty generally refers to the others I have no advantage, or is everyone some advantages but I will be strong. I this person special not, but still has some merit. 1、我的性格较强偏向文静,待人热情彬彬有礼,,办事稳重认真,有事业心。我觉得这个性格比较适合办公室的工作。 1, my character is stronger to quiet, to be warm and polite, and a stable work earnestly, has the dedication to work. I think this personality is fit for the work in the office. 2、我的计算机操作能力较强,通过了二级计算机等级考试,平时能帮助单位科室做一些文字工作。另外我喜欢编程,曾经在网上发布过一些自己编的小程序,了解计算机网络的管理。 2, my computer operation ability strong, through the secondary computer grade examination, at ordinary times can help unit department to do some paperwork. In addition I like programming, has been released on the Internet some of small procedures, understanding of computer network management. 3、我比较注重专业能力的培养和提高,在日常工作中都在不断钻研业务。在实际工作中也取得过很好的实际效果。比如路面摊铺标高不合适的处理,发表过工程监理的论文。 3, I compare pay attention to the development of professional ability and improve, in daily work have been working on business. In the practical work also achieved good practical effect. Such as elevation of road paving improper handling, engineering supervision of papers published. 4、我有很强的团队精神,而且在工作中这种精神得到了提高和完善。从事的工作对团队的要求很高,细化管理,我想科室工作依然要求很强的团队精神。我对团队精神是这么理解的:能合同事建立起一种相互信任的合作关系,有良好的倾听能力和沟通能力,能合其他人互动,共享信息和荣誉。对待工作认真努力,能够及时完成,并且很乐意帮助同事,乐于承担本职工作以外的工作。 4, I have a very strong team spirit, and work in this spirit is improved and perfected. The work has a high requirement on the team, fine management, I request to department work is still very strong team spirit. Im so understanding: about team spirit can contract to build a relationship of mutual trust, good listening skills and communication skills, can interact with others, sharing information and honor. Treat serious and hard work, can be completed in time, and would be happy to help colleagues, willing to assume the labor of duty outside of work. 5、我的学习能力比较强,容易接受新知识,喜欢摆弄一些新东西,新思路。 5, my learning ability is strong, easy to accept new knowledge, like playing with some new things, new ideas. 你认为你自己有哪些优点,你认为你比较适合做哪些工作? What advantage do you think you, what do you think you are suitable for work? 答:我从不认为自己有特别突出的优点,我认为自己大学5年最重要的收获是学到了一些分析问题和看待事物的方法。我是学建筑设计的,在设计上,尤其是在设计大型和功能复杂的公用建筑时,经常牵涉到一些复杂问题的简单化,经常需要从整体到局部,从局部到整体的反复验证,以便能够把握住问题的主要矛盾,找出合适的解决方法。我觉得这对我十分有益。另外在建筑的学习中,人的因素是很重要的——建筑是因为人而存在的,经常需要考虑人的感受和感觉,所以尊重人已经成为我思考问题的一个习惯。以上两点我认为非常重要,而这两点已经扩充到我对待生活的各个方面。总的来说,我觉得自己分析和解决问题的能力较强,口头语言和文字表达能力还不错,我觉得我能够胜任秘书或其他岗位的工作。 A: I never thought I had particular advantages, I think is the most important to harvest your university 5 years learned some methods to analyze and look at things. I major in architectural design, in the design, especially in the public building design function of large and complex, often involving some complex problems of simplification, often need to from the overall to local, from local to whole again, to be able to seize the main contradiction problem, find out the suitable solution. I think it is good for me. In the study of the building, it is important to human factors, building, because people often need to consider the feelings of people and feeling, so respect people has become a habit I think. The above two points, I think is very important, and both have expanded to I treat all aspects of life. Overall, I think I have a better ability to analyze and solve problems, spoken language and written expression ability is good, I think I can be competent the job of the secretary or other jobs. 能谈谈你的优点和缺点吗? Can talk about your strengths and weaknesses? 分析:这个问题主要考察考生对人才的基本素质的正确认识以及能否全面、客观地评价自己,从考生对这个问题的回答上考官还能看出考生是否自信(或者自傲、自卑)。 Analysis: this question mainly inspects examinee can correct understanding of basic quality of talent and comprehensively and objectively evaluate yourself, from the examinee answer to the question whether the examiner can also see that the examinee confidence (or pride, inferiority). 考生回答时除了注意上面三个要点外,还应注意以下几点: The examinee answer it in addition to pay attention to the above three points, also should pay attention to the following: ①尽管这是你的主观评价,受个人自信程度、价值取向等影响很大,也就是说你所描述的优、缺点与实际情况可能不符,但你的陈述在一定程度上会影响考官对你能力的判断。例如考生谦虚他说自己语言表达能力尚需完善,那么尽管你实际在面试中语言流畅、结构清晰、层次分明,且能够充分利用非言语符号,但考官下结论时多多少少会受到考生自己否定性结论的影响。(作为一个“社会人”,考生实际具有的优点是很多的,如:勤奋学习、集体观念强、善于分析问题。人际沟通能力,甚至连听母亲的话、对爱情忠贞也是优点,但考生一定要突出重点:非常出色的特质和与报考职位相关的优点。若考生反复强调的优点其实很一般,就会适得其反了。同样谈缺点也应从这两点出发,不过具体处理却恰恰相反;一个是“避实就虚”,谈一谈无关紧要的小缺点,而不要过于坦白暴露自己能力结构中的重大缺陷,另一个是谈一些与报考职位无关或关系不大的缺点,例如考生报考某局资料室档案管理员,就可以坦然相告自己组织大型社会活动能力较差。此外还有一个“投机”的办法,就是谈自己的“安全缺点”,就是那些在某些场合是缺点,但在另外一些场合下又可能是优点的缺点,如你与那些对工作不负责任的人很难相处,经常由于苛求自己做事十全十美而导致工作的延误等。不过这种“安全缺点”由于易让经验丰富的考官认为你是“油嘴滑舌”,所以应慎用!) 1) although this is your subjective evaluation, is highly affected by the personal confidence, value orientation, etc, that is to say, you describe the advantages and disadvantages of do not tally with the actual situation may be, but your statement to a certain extent affect the ability of the examiners to your judgment. For example the examinee modest said he, the improvement of language competence, so although you actual language fluency in the interview, the structure is clear, distinct, and able to make full use of nonverbal symbols, but the examiner to conclusions when more or less affected by the candidates themselves negative conclusion. (as a "social person", the examinee practical has is a lot of advantages, such as: hard learning, collective concept is strong, good at analyzing problems. Interpersonal communication ability, even listen to mothers words, loyalty to the love is also an advantage, but the examinee must highlight the key points: excellent qualities and advantages related to enter oneself for an examination position. If the candidate has repeatedly stressed the advantages of actually very general, will do the opposite. Also talk about faults from these two points, but the specific processing but on the contrary, one is the "display", talk about the small faults, it doesnt matter, dont be too frankly expose their ability structure of the major defects, the other one is about some not too much has nothing to do with the position to enter oneself for an examination or shortcomings, for example the examinee enter oneself for an examination a bureau document file manager, organize large social activities can calm tell your ability is poor. There are also a way to "speculation", is about their own "security weakness", who is disadvantage in some situations, but in some cases may be the advantages of shortcomings, such as you and those irresponsible people to work hard to get along with, often due to demanding our own perfect work delays, etc. But this kind of "security weakness" because the interviewer think you are prone to make experienced "smooth", so be careful!) ③谈论优点应注意表情、神态、语调等,请“低调”处理。有时可表示自己“更上一层楼”的希望和努力;谈论自己的缺点不要停留于缺点本身,可将重点放在自己克服缺点的决心和行动上。 3. Talk about the advantages of expression, expression, intonation, etc., should be paid attention to "low key" to deal with, please. Sometimes said he "to the next level" hopes and efforts; Talk about their own faults do not stay in itself, can focus on them to overcome the drawback of the determination and action. ④不要泛泛而谈,可以结合事例具体说明——尽管考官未明确要求。 (4) dont rhetoric and can combine case details - although the examiner uncertain requirements. ⑤谈优点不要超过三个(具体或强调谈论的优点);谈缺点只谈一个并不少。 5. Talk about advantages not more than three (specific or emphasized to talk about the advantages of); Talk about faults only talk a lot.


Pros: 1.a kind of motivation for us to study hard
2.a method to test our knowledge
Cons: 1.no leisure time for hobbies since we use too much time for revisions
2.exam is not an only method to prove whether he or she is an outstanding student,because outstanding student also should have good leadership skills and interacting skills


There are always two sides to everything,and it is without exception for E-mail.
The advantages of E-mail are mainly as follows:it is faster than normal mail;it is safer and more reliable than normal mail;it can be accessed at any time, when an E-mail message is received, it can be opened and read at any time and anywhere on a computer that has internet access;E-mail messages can be sent to many recipients worldwide at once;E-mail is cheaper for persons and organisations that send e-mail to many recipients as this results in savings in stationery costs and postage.
The disadvantages of E-mail mainly consist of the following aspects:persons must have access to the internet to send and receive e-mail; too many messages (usually spam) can be sent to a user creating a mail overflow; E-mail is a source for computers to become infected by viruses; users cannot send tangible items such as parcels by e-mail.
