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考研英语大作文格式开头用空格吗 英语作文 题目:如何管理时间 步骤:1、管理时间的意义 2、如 …



2、每句话的第一个字母和直接引语的第一字母要大写。 2、专有名词要大写,或用作专有名词的缩略形式。 

英语作文 题目:如何管理时间 步骤:1、管理时间的意义 2、如何有效的管理时间 3、结论

want to talk about how to manage time.
Every day should start to develop a good days work plan, specific to what each hour to complete what, to complete the most important, and so on. Then follow the plan strictly enforced.
What is the significance of time management it?
This benefit is only improve efficiency, and not waste time can not do anything. Whether in school or jobs in the community, to do each task is time-limited, for example, the examination to answer within the time frame, the work will get a month wages. So when the rational use of exam time, then it can have more room to focus on issues like, a months time can be reasonably allocated to work, can be done relatively high, in the workplace more competitive, easy to upgrade and so on.





American writer Margaret Mitchells "Gone with the Wind" (There is also a Chinese translation of "Gone with the Wind"), it gave me deep impression. I like the novel, mainly because theres heroine, Scarlett, a fraction of a fraction vanity a little selfish and greedy image of women. Even if her shortcomings I like. This is because the image of her true character, a living, unlike some of the works of the main character is perfect. I really like the novel of the main reasons is because the figures Scarlett tenacious vitality, though she has all sorts of shortcomings, but the persistent love earnestly for the survival of today we are born in the era of peace who do not. She will always be that kind of dynamic, that kind of dynamic. Her life is a natural pores circulated by each. In order to keep alive against her to be married, but this is the fundamental motivation for family and a lover of entrusted. This is today, I think many people would be hard to do. When discovered as a result of his stubbornness has lost the most precious love, she will lay down their efforts to find dignity. (In the sequel, "Scarlett" has shown). All in all the vitality of the girl whom I admire. I think she is not the charm pressure on the Hemingway novel who Ying Hanzi image, nor inferior to Jack Londons "Martin Eden," Martin Eden. Although I am a cowardly situation individuality, but every time I read Scarlett courageously to help the United States and Lanny birth mother and son safely escort them out of Atlanta, I think all of lifes disappointments are unhappy about what is not. I can be invincible. 中文:美国女作家玛格丽特米切尔的《飘》(中文也有译作《乱世佳人》),它给我的印象颇深。我喜欢这部小说,主要是因为里面的女主人公,斯嘉丽,一个有几分虚荣几分自私几分贪婪的女性形象。即使她的缺点我也喜欢。因为这一人物形象她真实可信,活生生的,不像有些作品中的主人公是完美的。 我真正喜欢这部小说的重要原因是因为斯嘉丽这个人物顽强的生命力,她虽然有着种种缺点,但是对爱情的执着对生存的热切都是今天我们出生在和平年代的人所没有的。她永远是那样的生机勃勃,那样的充满活力。她的生命力是由每个毛孔自然散发出来的。 为了活命她可以违心地嫁人,但这样做的根本动机是为了家人和爱人的一句托付。这在今天,我想很多人是难以做到的。当发现了由于自己的固执失去了最可宝贵的爱情时她又会努力放下尊严去寻找。(在续集《斯嘉丽》中有所表现)。 总之这个女孩儿的旺盛生命力让我为之佩服。我觉得她的魅力并不压于海明威小说中那些硬汉子形象,也不逊于杰克伦敦的《马丁伊甸》中的马丁伊甸。虽然我是个性情懦弱的人,但每当读到斯嘉丽勇敢地帮助美兰妮接生并把她们母子平安护送出亚特兰大时,我就觉得生活中所有的不快不如意都不算什么。我是都可以战胜的。


1 完型填空,20题 2 阅读,又为3个小部分,A,阅读理解,4篇,每篇5题.B给几段话让排序,或者是一篇文章空5处.让选择句子填进去.C一段话中,挑5个句子翻译 3大小作文.小作文一般是应用文,大作文一般是看图的~ 祝好运~


大概相当于六级吧。  但是考研英语和四六级的区别还是挺大的,也不能完全的去用四六级的难度去衡量考研英语的难度,在考察内容方面都有区别,比如书考研英语满分是100分,而且没有听力,而四六级就不一样了。要复习好考研英语还是要从基础开始,英语要学好首先就是要打好基础,而基础归结起来也就是词汇和长难句了。这两点做好了你的英语水平就会有很大的提高,因为这两点在做阅读理解的时候是必须要具备的两点,否则你的阅读就做不好,阅读做不好英语成绩要提高几乎是不可能的,俗话说的阅读者得天下嘛。所以你要从这两点去突破,先说单词,这个需要你在平时的学习中不断地去积累,积少成多,至于背单词的办法,可以用单词书去背,不过我觉得还是结合真题去背效果会更好些。长句也是一样的,在做真题的过程中去学习。选一本好的真题书,我当时用的是考研1 号的考研英语真 题《考 研真 相》,这本书非常适合打基础,里面的词汇注释也非常详细,还有自己独创的长难句图解,我觉得这点做的非常好,即使你语法不好,也可以通过图解分析出句子的结构和成分。做好以上这两点,你的英语水平会有一个质的提高,加油了!

英语作文题目是介绍一个地方150 180词

London is a place that is not easily forgotten. Anyone who visited the capita city would know. The Big Ben, Londons Eye and the ferry trip that I took was most exhilarating. I saw the entire London as Londons eye revolved slowed and peacefully. I admired the structure of the Big Ben. The sound of the clock as it struck twelve was magnificent as it echoed throughout London to let the people know the time.
I also went to parks and saw a string orchestra performing Scottish tunes, it was breathtakingly beautiful, as the music juxtaposed with the lovely sceneries in the park. How can anyone forget such memorable scenes?

机电专业英语作文 题目machine tools谢谢

Mechanical and electrical integration to intelligent direction of.
20 in the late 90s, the major developed countries began a new stage electromechanical integration technology to intelligent direction.
On the one hand, the optical communication technology into the mechanical and electrical integration, micro machining technology in Mechatronics in coming to the fore, the emergence of a new branch of optical mechanical electrical integration and microelectromechanical integration;
on the other hand, modeling design, analysis and integration method of mechatronics system, discipline system and the development trend of the electromechanical integration of further research.
At the same time, because of the great progress of artificial intelligence technology, neural network technology and fiber optic technology and other fields, has opened up a vast world for the development of the electromechanical integration technology, but also for the industry to provide a solid foundation.
